Website Audit
Real-time SEO Auditing

Website Audit

Maximize your website’s search engine potential with our real-time website audit tool. Undergo an instant analysis of your website's performance. Rectify SEO errors with recommendations for improvement.

Things PagesMeter solves as your Website Auditing tool.

  • How to diagnose any SEO problems?
  • How to pinpoint the SEO issue’s root cause?
  • What is impacting your search engine performance?
  • How to meet Google’s quality signals?
How PagesMeter Works

Steps to achieve Site Ranking


Step 1

Input the URL.


Step 2

Crawl the website to get SEO insights.

3 Step 3

Fix SEO issues.

Insights to audit your website SEO

Insights to audit your website SEO

Holistic metrics that give potential and actionable insights and a real-time website audit of your pages provide actionable insights based on the data collected.

  • Check mark
    Discover issues and changes without waiting for a crawl to the finish.
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    Prioritize it according to your needs.
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    Stunning reports that are tailored just for you.
Make Google find and read your pages

Make Google find and read your pages

Optimize and index your site pages for Google to understand. Discover how to make your content more visible in Google Search.

  • Check mark
    Record SEO issues being introduced and resolved.
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    Understand when changes occur on your site, and pinpoint SEO errors.
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    Streamline workflows and get real-time updates on SEO error fixing.
Improve your site authority

Improve your site authority

Boost your site's overall SEO by auditing it and focusing on the external links pointing to it with a strong focus on quality and quantity.

  • Check mark
    Optimize Google's crawlers' perception of your website.
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    Quantifies your website to rank better in search engines.
  • Check mark
    Find primary contributors to your domain authority score.
Dig deeper into SEO technical aspects

Dig deeper into SEO technical aspects

Develop technical SEO strategies that uphold improving your website's crawl ability, technical performance, rich snippets, and indexing.

  • Check mark
    Uncover invisible technical SEO issues.
  • Check mark
    Reveal duplicate content, orphan pages, broken URLs, and more.
  • Check mark
    Solve digital marketers’ problems with the technical SEO audit.

FAQ on Website Audit

What is a website audit, and why is it important?
A website audit is a process of evaluating the performance and effectiveness of a website. It can help identify any issues that might negatively impact the user experience or search engine rankings and provide recommendations for improvement. Auditing websites is essential for maintaining and improving performance to provide the best end-user experience for your customers.
What types of issues can a website audit identify?
A website audit can identify a wide range of issues,

  • Technical problems: These can include broken links, crawl errors, and slow loading times, which can affect the user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Website structure and organization: Audit sites and identify problems with the overall structure and organization of the website, such as a poorly designed navigation system or a lack of a clear hierarchy.
  • Quality and relevance of content: Site audit can evaluate the quality and relevance of the content on the website, including the use of keywords, the readability and value of the content, and the presence of duplicate or thin content.
  • Design and user experience: SEO website auditors can examine the overall design and layout of the website, including factors such as the use of whitespace, the clarity and readability of text, and the overall aesthetic appeal of the site. It can also assess the website's usability, including issues such as ease of use and responsiveness on different devices.
  • Search engine optimization: A website audit can identify problems with the website's search engine optimization (SEO), including issues with the website's metadata, the presence of duplicate content, and the use of external links.
How do you conduct a website audit?
There are many different approaches to conducting a website audit, but some common steps might include the following:

  • Analyzing website traffic and performance data
  • Examining the website's structure and organization
  • Checking for technical issues such as broken links or crawl errors
  • Evaluating the quality and relevance of the website's content
  • Analyzing the website's design and user experience
How often should a website audit be performed?
The frequency of website audits can vary depending on the size and complexity of the website, as well as the level of activity and change on the site. Some organizations conduct a complete website audit annually, while others do it more frequently, such as every six months or quarterly. It's generally a good idea to perform website audits regularly to ensure that the site performs at its best.
How do I know if my website needs an audit?
There are several signs that your website might benefit from an audit. These can include a decline in traffic or search engine rankings, increased bounce rates, or user complaints about the website's performance or usability. If you notice any of these issues, consider conducting a website audit.
How long does a website audit take?
The length of a website audit can vary depending on the size and complexity of the website, as well as the thoroughness of the audit.
A basic audit of a small website might take a few hours, while a more comprehensive audit of a large, complex website could take several days or even longer.
What should I do after a website audit is complete?
Once a website audit is complete, you will typically receive a report outlining the findings and recommendations for improvement. It's important to review this report carefully and consider implementing the recommendations as appropriate.
This could involve changing the website's design, content, or technical infrastructure, or implementing new strategies for driving traffic and engagement.
Can I do a website audit, or do I need to hire a professional?
Many tools and resources can help you conduct a basic website audit on your own. However, suppose you have a large or complex website or need to familiarize yourself with technical issues such as website coding or search engine optimization. In that case, hiring a professional to conduct the audit might be more efficient.
What are the benefits of a website audit?
There are several benefits to conducting a website audit, including,

  • Improved website performance: A website audit can identify issues that negatively impact the website's performance, such as slow loading times or technical problems, and provide recommendations for improvement.
  • Enhanced user experience: A website audit can help identify problems with the usability and user experience of the website and provide recommendations for improvement.
  • Increased search engine rankings: A website audit can identify issues with the website's search engine optimization (SEO) and provide recommendations for improving the website's ranking in search results.
  • Increased traffic: By improving the performance, usability, and search engine ranking of a website, a website audit can help increase the amount of traffic the website receives.
  • Cost savings: A website audit can help the organization save money by identifying and addressing problems with the website instead of spending money on unnecessary or ineffective marketing efforts.
  • Increased conversions: By improving the website's overall effectiveness, a website audit can help increase the rate at which visitors take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.
What do I need to consider when conducting a website audit?
There are several factors to consider when conducting a website audit. These can include

  • Purpose and goals of the website: It's essential to understand the purpose and goals of the website, as this will help guide the focus and scope of the audit.
  • The target audience of the website: Understanding the demographics and interests of the website's target audience can help inform the audit process and the recommendations for improvement.
  • Website content: A thorough review of the content is an integral part of the audit process. This can include evaluating the quality and relevance of the content, as well as its organization and structure.
  • Website's technical performance: A website audit should include an evaluation of the website's technical performance, including factors such as the website's loading speed, the presence of crawl errors, and the overall stability and reliability of the site.
  • Website's design and user experience: We should evaluate the design and user experience of the website as part of the audit process. This can include examining the site's overall layout and aesthetic appeal, as well as its usability and responsiveness on different devices.
  • Website's search engine optimization (SEO): The audit should evaluate the website's SEO, including factors such as the presence of relevant keywords, the use of metadata, and the quality and relevance of external links.
Do you offer a free trial of auditing websites?
Every customer is entitled to a 14-day free trial, after which they can upgrade to a paid subscription to get more insights.

The features your ranking process needs

With PagesMeter, you have everything you need for better website speed monitoring, all in one place.

Page-level SEO analysis
Page-level SEO analysis

Get a holistic view of your page-level data to see how different performance metrics impact and solve SEO challenges.

Content optimization
Content optimization

Analyze a web page’s content quality with metrics on content distribution. Evaluate everything from HTML to backlinks.

Link analysis
Link analysis

Diagnose links, including internal, and external ones, redirects, and their HTTP response status, all in one place.

Site error detection
Site error detection

See all optimization errors of the site on a prioritized basis to make it easier to optimize and more effective.

24/7 monitoring
24/7 monitoring

Ensure your customers' satisfaction, we monitor your services from around the globe.

APIs for third-party data integration
APIs for third-party data integration

Connect your applications together and keep your data in sync with PagesMeter to other analytics in one interface.

Data visualization
Data visualization

The best accessible way to see and understand your website's SEO trends, outliers, and patterns in data.

Real-time reports
Real-time reports

Make data-driven decisions more quickly and deliver a better search experience to your quality traffic leads.

Invite teammates
Invite teammates

Improve the workflow by sending the right notification to the team member at the right time.

Uncover your website’s SEO potential.

PagesMeter is a single tool that offers everything you need to monitor your website's speed.